
3 Months In!

About three months into this training program so far. Wow, what an adjustment this has been — in a good way. I have never worked out so much in my life and, in general, I am loving it. The adjustments have definitely been more mental and social though… the strength and endurance seem to be taking care of themselves (thankfully).

This week is designated as a recovery week which is pretty great. If you would have told me three months ago that “only” having 8 hours of workouts scheduled was going to be an easy week I would have laughed long and loud at you. But… well, now I get it. And I was ready for this week.

Diet: As mentioned before, no more Keto as of early January (after 18 months). I eat carbs now (I love saying that). Generally low carbs, but carbs are back. And, after a few bobbles early on, my percent body fat is now lower than it ever was on keto which is pretty amazing. We have a ways to go, but stuff is happening. Skeletal muscle mass is increasing nicely too. It better be considering how much protein I’m scarfing down!

Swim: My swim times are down around 15 seconds faster (per 100 yards) than last summer. Some of that from some very direct coaching and feedback and some of that just from swimming around more/faster people. And, uh, I actually enjoy swimming now which is kind of weird. I have quite a ways to go to reach some personal goals but I am starting to feel like it will be possible.

Run: The knee is almost completely healed! Feels good to be able to do more of the running program now. I have a ways to go before a [rapidly] upcoming half marathon in early April, but I am feeling better about it.

Bike: While I enjoy getting caught up on all these Prime and Netflix shows… OMG I can’t wait to be riding outside. Very thankful I have a pretty decent indoor studio setup though, that’s for sure. 6 or 7 hours of trainer time a week is a bit tiresome. Later this week we have some 40 degree days and then Friday and Saturday are forecast for 50s. I’m hopeful I might get an outdoor ride. The fit on the bike is pretty great. I have yet to have any sore back issues, even after 3+ hour trainer rides.

Some days I am overwhelmed. Some days I am tired — or just so sore. But no regrets! I am very excited to be training at this level and I definitely feel like I chose the right coach. Tons of encouragement and support from Mrs. AdultOnset has been important and helpful too. What a crazy trip this has been so far.

2 replies on “3 Months In!”

What a wonderful testimony. We are very proud of you and your progress. Keep up the good work, summer time will be here soon. Dad


Really appreciate you sharing your journey with us! Keep up the hard work…all your training will pay off. Really fun watching you achieve your goals and love that you’ve enjoying it. Kuddos to Amy too!


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